pastrarea traditiilor in cercetasia de astazi
cunoasterea si promovarea istoriei cercetasiei din Romania

21 mai 2016

Memoriile lui Dimitrie D. Dimancescu

NEWS RELEASE - May 9, 2016

The memoirs of Dimitri D. Dimancescu (1896-1984) were published today. They cover the first half of the 20th Century including founding the Romanian Boy Scouts, WW-I as war-hero, education at Carnegie Institute of Technology (Pittsburgh), diplomatic service in Washington, London, Paris, British Intelligence work in WW-II, Paris Peace Conference, and exile in Morocco.  Among the many personalities that crossed his path are: Queen Marie, King Carol II, Lt. Erwin Rommel, Prince Bibesco, Nicolae Titulescu, dancer Loie Fuller, William Randolph Hearst, British 'spymaster' Bruce Lockhart, Gheorghe Tatarescu, Winston Churchill, the Pacha El Glaoui (Marrakech).

Dan Dimancescu

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Alin Dimancescu, presedinte
Bucuresti, Romania
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